R/Calc Gamma.r

Defines functions Gamma.fromCTM

Documented in Gamma.fromCTM

#' Calculate the stationary covariance matrix Gamma
#' Calculates the stationary covariance matrix (Gamma) from the continuous-time (un)standardized lagged effects matrix (Drift) and residual covariance matrix (Sigma). There is also an interactive web application on my website: Standardizing and/or transforming lagged regression estimates (\url{https://www.uu.nl/staff/RMKuiper/Websites\%20\%2F\%20Shiny\%20apps}).
#' @param Drift (Un)standardized lagged effects matrix of the first-order continuous-time (CT-VAR(1)) model.
#' It also takes a fitted object from the class "ctsemFit" (from the ctFit() function in the ctsem package); see example below. From such an object, the Drift and Sigma matrices are extracted.
#' @param Sigma Residual covariance matrix of the first-order continuous-time (CT-VAR(1)) model, that is, the diffusion matrix.
#' @return This function returns the stationary covariance matrix, that is, the contemporaneous covariance matrix of the data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # library(CTmeta)
#' ## Example 1 ##
#' #
#' Drift <- myDrift
#' #
#' q <- dim(Drift)[1]
#' Sigma <- diag(q) # for ease
#' #
#' Gamma.fromCTM(Drift, Sigma)
#' ## Example 2: input from fitted object of class "ctsemFit" ##
#' #
#' #data <- myData
#' #if (!require("ctsemFit")) install.packages("ctsemFit")
#' #library(ctsemFit)
#' #out_CTM <- ctFit(...)
#' #Gamma.fromCTM(out_CTM)

Gamma.fromCTM <- function(Drift, Sigma) {

  # Checks:
  if(any(class(Drift) == "ctsemFit")){
    B <- -1 * summary(Drift)$DRIFT
    Sigma <- summary(Drift)$DIFFUSION
    if(length(B) == 1){
      q <- 1
      q <- dim(B)[1]
    # Drift = A = -B
    # B is drift matrix that is pos def, so Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT)
      ErrorMessage <- ("The drift matrix Drift should be input to the function.")
      #("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT).")
    }else{ # !is.null(Drift)
      B <- -Drift
      if(length(B) == 1){
        q <- 1
        q <- dim(B)[1]

    # Check on B
    if(length(B) > 1){
      if(all(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
        cat("All (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive. Therefore. I assume the input was B=-A instead of A. I will use -B=A in the calculation.")
        B = -B
      if(any(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
        #ErrorMessage <- ("The function stopped, since some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
        cat("If the function stopped, this is because some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")

    # Check on Sigma
    if(is.null(Sigma)){ # Sigma unknown
      ErrorMessage <- (paste0("The argument Sigma is NULL, but should be part of the input."))
    }else if(!is.null(Sigma)){ # Sigma known
      # Check on Sigma
      Check_Sigma(Sigma, q)

    # Check on B
    if(length(Drift) > 1){
      if(all(Re(eigen(Drift)$val) > 0)){
        cat("All (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive. Therefore. I assume the input for Drift was B = -A instead of A. I will use Drift = -B = A.")
        cat("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT) = expm(A*DeltaT) = expm(Drift*DeltaT).")
        Drift = -Drift
      if(any(Re(eigen(Drift)$val) > 0)){
        #ErrorMessage <- ("The function stopped, since some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
        cat("If the function stopped, this is because some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")

  #Gamma <- matrix((solve(kronecker(diag(q),B) + kronecker(B,diag(q))) %*% as.vector(Sigma)), ncol=q, nrow=q)
  R <- kronecker(diag(q),B) + kronecker(B,diag(q))
  if(q == 1){
    # Sigma = B %*% Gamma + Gamma %*% t(B) = 2 * beta * gamma, dus gamma = sigma / (2 * beta)
    Gamma_q <- Sigma / (2 * B)
  }else if(abs(det(R)) > 0.0001){
    Gamma_q <- matrix((solve(R) %*% as.vector(Sigma)), ncol=q, nrow=q)
  } else{
    Gamma_q = NULL

rebeccakuiper/CTmeta documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:30 p.m.